Can Homeopathic Products Be Dangerous for Children?

Some homeopathic medicines cause injuriesHomeopathic products are marketed to the public as alternative medicines that can treat various health problems. However, in recent months, some of these products have been linked to injuries and deaths. Homeopathic magnetic bracelets are the most recent product of concern. These bracelets are marketed as a way to improve blood flow and “electromagnetic energy balance.” They may also be a source of lead exposure.According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a 9-month-old baby in Connecticut had dangerously high levels of lead in her blood after using one of these products. The lead exposure was first spotted by a lab test during a routine checkup. At first, the girl’s doctors assumed she had been exposed to lead paint. An investigation did discover lead paint on two windows in the girl’s house. However, this theory was ruled out because the girl’s siblings did not have excess lead in their blood.It turns out the parents had purchased a homeopathic magnetic bracelet at an artisan fair. According to the parents, they believed the bracelet would help ease their daughter’s teething pain. The child repeatedly stuck an object in her mouth. Lab tests discovered the bracelet contained lead at 17,000 parts per million – 170 times the amount lead allowed in children’s products under federal regulations.Children who are exposed to lead may suffer from multiple adverse health conditions. They may develop brain, kidney and nervous system damage. In addition, they have a heightened risk of learning disabilities and other cognitive problems. Severe exposure may cause lead poisoning, which can result in coma or death.

Are Homeopathic Supplements Regulated?

Homeopathic medications do not have US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval to treat any health conditions. These products do not go through the same rigorous review process as FDA approved prescription medications and medical devices. As a result, they may contain harmful substances that can lead to catastrophic injuries or wrongful death. The same could be said for regular (nonhomeopathic) nutritional supplements. For example, a study published in the medical journal Hepatology found that certain bodybuilding or weight loss supplements contain substances that cause liver damage.There are also other cases of homeopathic products that allegedly caused injuries or deaths. Hyland’s homeopathic Teething Tablets were found to contain varying levels of belladonna alkaloids. Belladonna is more commonly known as deadly nightshade. The product was finally recalled after intense pressure from the FDA and the public. Lawsuits have been filed by parents who allege the tablets were responsible for the deaths of their children.Parents of children harmed by homeopathic products may be able to file lawsuits. Manufacturers or retailers who sold the products may be liable for injuries or deaths. The ability to collect a judgment would depend on the circumstances. If your child was harmed by a homeopathic product, then it is important to discuss your situation with an experienced Texas personal injury lawyer.


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