Is Speeding a Main Cause of Fatal Auto Accidents?

Is speeding a primary cause of accidents?The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recently released a report that claims speeding and drunk driving cause an equal number of fatal car accidents. According to the NTSB report, speeding was a factor in 112,580 deaths between 2005 and 2014. This number accounts for 31 percent of all highway fatalities. This report also has major implications for people in Lufkin and our surrounding counties. The NTSB report claims that accidents involving speeding are three times more likely to occur on local roads than highways. Angelina County has an abundance of both types of roads.Car accidents that involve speeding are not always fatal. In some cases, the impact may cause life-changing catastrophic injuries. NTSB’s report found that speeding injured 336,000 people in 2014 alone. Forty-percent of these victims were pedestrians, cyclists or motorists who were driving under the posted speed limit.Depending on the type of injury involved, an accident survivor may need care for the rest of their lives. Take for example someone who receives a spinal cord injury that results in tetraplegia. This is where the person has limited to no control over all four limbs. A person with tetraplegia will require specialized care and equipment for the rest of their lives. Pedestrians and cyclists are most likely to suffer these injuries after being hit by motorists who are speeding. They have no protection to guard against the impact of being hit with a large and fast-moving object.

Do I Need an Attorney After an Auto Accident?

It is wise to consult with an attorney after a car accident, whether the cause was speeding or other factors. An attorney can help after a car accident in several ways, such as:

  • Fighting insurance companies: The car insurance payout from your accident may not be enough to cover medical bills, lost income and other expenses. An attorney can work on your behalf to ensure that you are compensated.
  • Gathering evidence: Your attorney can help establish fault for the accident by finding evidence that helps your case. For example, they may be able to get a court order to obtain the electronic control module from the at-fault driver’s vehicle. The ECM could show whether the other driver was speeding at the time of the crash. In addition, traffic cameras, police reports and other evidence may also exist.
  • Filing a personal injury lawsuit: An attorney can file a personal injury lawsuit on your behalf. Damages from a lawsuit could help cover the costs of wrongful death and catastrophic injuries.

Speeding is an incredibly selfish act, yet we see people speeding on our roads daily. The lives of other people are not worth arriving at a destination a few seconds or minutes faster.If you or a loved one were hit by a negligent driver, then the Texas auto accident attorneys at Mike Love & Associates, LLC could help you learn of your rights and possible legal options.


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