How Can I Check for Recalls on Bicycles, ATVs and Motorcycles?

Manufacturers recall millions of motor vehicles each year. These vehicles may contain safety defects that can put your life at risk or lead to a severe injury. Additional types of vehicles are subjected to recalls for the same reason. Bicycles, ATVs and motorcycles can also contain dangerous manufacturing or design defects.You can check for recalls on bicycles, ATVs and motorcycles. However, there are different federal agencies that coordinate with manufacturers on recalls for these products. Our blog is going to walk you through how to use resources provided by these agencies to determine the recall status of a bicycle, ATV or motorcycle.

Step #1: Checking on Recalls for ATVs and Bicycles

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) coordinates recalls for defective ATVs and bicycles. Unless you receive a recall notification directly from the manufacturer, then you must use the CPSC’s website to check the recall status for these products.The CPSC’s website has a search bar at the top that allows you to type in specific manufacturers for ATVs, bicycles and associated products. You could type in the manufacturer and product name to determine its recall status. In addition to using the search bar, you can also sign up for regular email notifications when there are recalls on these products. There are also regular recalls for bicycle helmets and other safety equipment.

Step #2: Checking on Recalls for Motorcycles

Federal laws require motorcycle manufacturers to notify you of recalls. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) coordinates recalls for motorcycles. If you already know how to check for vehicle recalls, then it will be easier to check the recall status of your motorcycle.Like regular vehicles, you can check your motorcycle’s recall status by using NHTSA’s website. You will need to grab the motorcycle’s vehicle identification number (VIN) before you can conduct a search. The VIN is typically located on the steering neck or near the cylinders.Recently announced recalls and recalls conducted more than 15 years ago may not be on NHTSA’s website. Foreign vehicles may also not be in the recall search results.

What If My Bicycle, ATV or Motorcycle Has an Unfixed Recall?

You can receive free repairs or a replacement if you own a bicycle, ATV or motorcycle with an unfixed recall. However, you would need to contact the manufacturer or dealership to schedule an appointment for repairs. These businesses may not always have the parts available that are needed to conduct repairs.Mike Love & Associates, LLC is a Lufkin personal injury law firm. Our attorneys accept product liability cases. You can speak to one of our attorneys during a free consultation if a defective product caused you or a loved one harm. To schedule a consultation, call (936) 632-2000 or use our online case review form.

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Federal Government Blocks Sales of "Autopilot Buddy" Systems

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) delivered a cease and desist letter to a company responsible for creating the Autopilot Buddy. Autopilot is a semi-autonomous driving feature that is found in Tesla vehicles. Autopilot Buddy is being sold to Tesla drivers to disable the safety function that recognizes when both hands are on the steering wheel.Tesla’s Autopilot is not a fully autonomous self-driving system, and will alert the driver to return both hands to the wheel. Autopilot Buddy overrides the system by attaching a magnetic piece to one side of the steering wheel, causing it to believe that both hands are in place. The maker of Autopilot Buddy has until June 29, as demanded by NHTSA, to cease all U.S. marketing, selling and distribution of their product. NHTSA says that this product could jeopardize the safety of Tesla customers and other motorists.With recent automobile accidents involving self-driving cars, NHTSA is very careful about what is deemed safe and unsafe. Driver-assistance technology is becoming more complex, but can be dangerous if the driver overestimates the vehicle’s abilities. Tesla agreed with NHTSA’s decision to block the sale of Autopilot Buddy. The company selling the product has complied with NHTSA’s demands by putting on their website that they no longer sell the product in the United States.

Questions About Product Liability?

Defective products are capable of causing injuries and deaths. Consumers who are harmed by these products may be able to recover compensation for injuries or losses by filing product liability lawsuits.The Texas product liability attorneys at Mike Love & Associates LLC can help you determine whether it would be possible to recover compensation for harm caused by a defective product. Contact us for more information about defective products and obtaining compensation for your injuries.

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What Are Common Causes of Swimming Pool Accidents?

Warm weather has finally arrived. During this time of year, many of us in Angelina County will take time to enjoy public swimming pools or recreation centers. However, there are common dangers in public swimming pools that could lead to a serious accident. We want you to be aware of these dangers, so you can protect yourself and your loved ones. Be aware of swimming pool accident risks that include:

  1. Slip and fall hazards. Swimming pools may be surrounded by wet surfaces that could easily cause a slip and fall accident. In addition, poorly maintained ladders or diving boards could cause an accident. Slip and fall accidents may lead to broken bones, spinal cord injuries or brain injuries.
  2. Lack of supervision. Lifeguards have a very important role in preventing and responding to swimming pool accidents. If lifeguards do not have the proper training or if they are distracted, then it could put swimmers at serious risk of injury or death.
  3. Electrocution. Broken lights or plugged in electronics near a swimming pool can create an electrocution hazard. Proper maintenance on lights and strict rules on electronics may prevent these types of accidents.
  4. Lack of entrapment devices. Federal law requires drains to use entrapment devices, which can keep hair or clothing from becoming stuck to a drain. Swimming pools without these devices pose a drowning risk.
  5. Lack of signage. Public pools should contain signs that warn of specific hazards, such as diving. Diving into shallow water could lead to death or a spinal cord injury.
  6. Poor security. Public pools should contain working doors and gates that can prevent unauthorized access.

Who is Liable for a Swimming Pool Accident?

The consequences of a swimming pool accident can be devastating. Drowning, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries and disembowelment are all possible outcomes of a swimming pool accident. Owners of public pools may be liable for injuries or deaths. Manufacturers of pool equipment or maintenance companies may also be responsible. This is also something to keep in mind. Depending on the circumstances, it may be possible to recover compensation for an injury or loss.You can speak to a Texas premises liability attorney at Mike Love & Associates, LLC if you have questions about what to do after a swimming pool accident.

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The Most Notorious Auto Defects in History Part 2: GM’s Ignition Switch

There have been many auto defect scandals over the past few decades. We published a prior blog on our website that discusses how the Ford Pinto severely damaged the reputation of one of the world’s largest automakers. The Ford Pinto is only the tip of the iceberg. Other automakers have also knowingly released dangerous products on to the market. General Motors (GM) released faulty ignition switches that are thought to be responsible for 124 deaths and 274 injuries.Ignition switches in these vehicles could be triggered into the accessory position, in many cases while people were driving. Several outcomes would be possible if you were driving a GM vehicle when this happened. Your vehicle’s engine and power steering would lose power. The airbags and anti-lock braking system would also be rendered useless. You would have little control over your vehicle if you were travelling at high speeds. The airbags in your vehicle would not deploy if you were involved in a collision. Many of the people injured or killed by GM’s ignition switch likely experienced similar scenarios.During the early morning hours of July 29, 2005, then 16-year-old Amber Marie Rose was headed home from a party when she lost control of her vehicle and slammed into a tree. Investigators initially determined that alcohol and speeding were factors in the crash. However, it was also discovered that the 2005 Chevy Cobalt’s airbags never deployed. A private investigator hired by Amber’s family discovered that the ignition switch had moved into the accessory position.

Why Do Automakers Conceal Dangerous Defects?

There are similarities between the Ford Pinto and GM ignition switch recalls. Ford and GM knew their products would pose a danger to consumers. In fact, GM first discovered problems with its ignition switch while it was testing the Saturn Ion in 2001. Additional ignition switch problems were noticed in 2003 and 2004. By 2005, GM declined to fix the problem due to concerns over costs. GM warned dealerships about the defect, but did not issue a recall until almost ten years later.Automakers feel compelled to cut costs and to protect the reputation of their products. Unfortunately, they pursue these goals at the cost of public safety.If you were injured by a defective automobile or auto product, then you should speak with one of the auto defect attorneys at Mike Love & Associates, LLC. Automakers are not necessarily absolved of liability for issuing recalls. Our attorneys could help you determine legal options for seeking justice against the parties who have caused you harm.

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Can Injury Symptoms Be Delayed After a Motor Vehicle Accident?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) figures show that an estimated two million people in the US are injured in car accidents each year. In many cases, any serious injuries you suffer during a car accident will be apparent soon after the crash. You would likely notice broken bones, burns and lacerations right away. Some injuries may not be noticeable until hours, days or weeks after your accident. Delayed injuries after a car accident could still have extremely negative effects on your health. Five common delayed injuries after a car accident include:

  1. Whiplash injury: The impact force from a car accident could cause you to suffer a whiplash injury, a nickname for a type of musculoskeletal injury after a car accident. According to the Mayo Clinic, you may feel pain and stiffness in your neck. You could also experience shoulder, upper back and arm pain.
  2. Post-concussive effects: Concussions are very common after a car accident. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lists dizziness, confusion, vomiting, memory loss, balance problems, drowsiness and headaches as possible concussion symptoms. Anxiety, problems concentrating, depression, irritability and insomnia could linger for weeks or months. Post-concussive syndrome is where dizziness or other symptoms linger for weeks or months.
  3. Internal bleeding: Symptoms of internal bleeding may go unnoticed after a car accident. Abdominal pain, dizziness or headaches might be symptoms of internal bleeding. Any type of internal bleeding is a life-threatening emergency. Bleeding between the skull and brain could cause swelling, which may lead to death or permanent disability.
  4. Spinal injury: Tingling, pain or a loss of sensation in the limbs could be symptoms of a spinal injury, such as a herniated disc. You could also suffer from a bulging disc after a car accident. These injuries can compress the nerves in the spinal cord.
  5. PTSD: The Department of Veterans Affairs claims that an estimated 9 percent of motor vehicle accident survivors among the general population develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD is a debilitating mental health condition that may cause flashbacks, depression, panic attacks, irritability and nightmares.

Texas Personal Injury Lawyers Explain What to Do After a Car Accident

You may not realize the extent of your injuries after a motor vehicle accident. It is crucial to seek medical attention right away. If you are injured, any medical services you receive could help establish the extent of your injuries. Your medical records could be very useful for settlement negotiations, or even a lawsuit if it becomes necessary.The Texas personal injury lawyers at Mike Love & Associates, LLC could discuss your possible legal options for recovering compensation after a car accident.

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