Are Soccer Goals Dangerous for Kids?

In some cases, soccer goal tip overs are fatal.Afterschool sports like football and lacrosse receive a lot of media attention because they can put young athletes at risk of suffering traumatic brain injuries. However, soccer is another sport that may cause catastrophic injuries and deaths. In some cases, unsecured soccer goals are the culprit.According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), an average of 200 children per year are injured by tip-over accidents involving unsecured soccer goals. Brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, broken bones and organ damage are all possible outcomes caused by these accidents. The CPSC also claims that tip-over accidents involving soccer goals kill an average of one child per year.It is a common misconception that soccer goals are heavy objects that cannot easily fall over. However, the weight is distributed at the top of soccer goals, meaning even a strong gust of wind can lead to a tip-over accident. In fact, almost a dozen soccer goal tip-over accidents that have occurred since the 1970s were caused by wind.Other accidents were caused roughhousing on the goals. Several other accidents occurred because people climbed on or tried to lift the goals. However, this does not necessarily mean these individuals are to blame for the accidents. It is unreasonable to assume that young athletes would have any understanding of why soccer goals can be dangerous. This is why young athletes should always be supervised by adults during practices, scrimmages or games.

Are Soccer Goal Post Injuries Preventable?

The CPSC has published guidelines that can help prevent soccer goal tip-over accidents. According to the CPSC, soccer goals should always be anchored to the ground. This can be done by using stakes, sandbags or other approved counterweights. In addition, the CPSC recommends only using soccer goals on level surfaces. If possible, soccer goals should be chained to nearby structures or fences. Finally, these goals should be disassembled for seasonal storage.Parents whose children were injured by soccer goal tip-over accidents may be able to file lawsuits for damages. School districts, summer camps, afterschool athletic programs and goal manufacturers may be responsible for these accidents.If your child was injured during a tip-over accident, then it is important to discuss legal options with an attorney. The catastrophic injuries caused by soccer goal accidents may require a lifetime of specialized medical care and other resources. For example, a person with a spinal cord injury may require rehabilitation services and home modifications. A personal injury lawsuit may help cover some of these expenses.The Texas personal injury attorneys at Mike Love & Associates, LLC can help parents learn whether they have options to file a lawsuit.

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When Are Amusement Parks Responsible for Injuries?

Were you involved in an amusement park accident?Amusement park injuries are commonplace in our country. In fact, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) estimates that there were 30,000 amusement park injuries during 2016. Some of these injuries are caused by ride malfunctions.fSeveral weeks ago, a ride malfunction at the Ohio State Fair caused one death and multiple injuries. According to investigators, a row of seats was ejected from the Fire Ball ride. Two individuals on the ride were tossed more than 20 feet before landing on concrete. Others were injured after being struck by pieces of equipment caused by the ejection. According to the ride’s manufacturer, excessive corrosion was the cause of the amusement park accident.Tragedies like the one that occurred in Ohio happen every year across the country. Last year at a water park in Kansas City, a 10-year-old boy was decapitated on a water slide. Months later, two young children and a teenager fell off a Ferris wheel in Tennessee. There have also been fatal accidents at Texas theme parks. In 2014, a woman died after falling from a rollercoaster at the Six Flags in Arlington, Texas.

How Can Amusement Park Accidents Happen?

Amusement park accidents may be caused by:

  • Amusement park ride operators. Ride operators are responsible for explaining instructions to park goers and ensuring they are safe. These are the folks who may strap you into a ride or explain safety instructions. If these individuals are not properly trained or if they are ineffective at communicating, then you could be put in harm’s way.
  • Poor maintenance practices. There is very little oversight in the amusement park industry. As a result, some amusement parks may have poor maintenance procedures. Rides can break down from wear and tear, which may pose a danger. For example, if the latches that keep you seated on a rollercoaster fail, you could be ejected from the ride.
  • Defective equipment. Amusement park rides may contain design or manufacturing defects. For example, doors, lap bars or harnesses may contain defects. In other cases, rides may be designed in a way that is dangerous to you or others.
  • Poor signage. Theme parks have several restricted areas with safety hazards. For example, at a Six Flags in 2008, a park goer was decapitated by a ride after walking into a restricted area to retrieve his hat. When theme parks do not warn park goers of hazards, they can suffer injuries or wrongful death.

These are only a few examples of how theme park accidents may occur. If you or a loved one suffered harm during a theme park accident, then you may have options to recover damages from the parties who are responsible. By speaking with a Texas personal injury attorney at Mike Love & Associates, LLC, you can learn whether you have options to recover damages.

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Are Trampoline Parks Causing Injuries to Children?

Trampoline parkPhoto of a trampoline parks have become increasingly popular over the last several years. Unfortunately, so have injuries at these establishments. According to research published in the medical journal Pediatrics, trampoline park injuries have jumped from fewer than 600 in 2010 to more than 6,900 in 2014. Several recent news stories involving trampoline park injuries are attracting national media attention.A Florida mother’s photo of her 3-year-old son’s trampoline park injury has been shared on Facebook more than 275,000 times. The 3-year-old broke his leg after an outing at the local trampoline park. The boy required bed rest for more than two months and weeks of physical therapy.Trampolines can be dangerous for people of all ages. However, they are especially dangerous for young children. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, children under the age of 6 should never jump on trampolines – at an indoor park or elsewhere. Children can suffer injuries after slamming into each other or landing on the metal springs. An improper landing on a trampoline may cause a spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury or broken bones.Trampoline parks or trampoline manufacturers may sometimes be responsible for injuries. For example, children are more likely to be injured on a trampoline if they are not properly supervised. Injuries are also more likely to occur when trampolines are poorly maintained or contain defects.

Can I File a Lawsuit for Trampoline Park Injuries?

Dozens of lawsuits have been filed against trampoline parks in Texas and across the country. Last year in Houston, a teenager received a $11.5 million verdict due to a traumatic brain injury he suffered at Cosmic Jump, an indoor trampoline park. In another case, a Washington teenager suffered a spinal cord injury at a trampoline park. His family also filed a lawsuit.Although trampoline parks may require you to sign a waiver, they may still be held accountable for injuries. In some cases, you can still receive damages from a personal injury lawsuit against these establishments even if you have signed a waiver. The parents of the injured teenager in Houston had signed a waiver, but that did not stop their son from receiving an $11.5 million jury verdict.Unfortunately, some people may assume that because they signed a waiver, they are ineligible to file a lawsuit. This could prove to be a costly mistake if you or a loved one has suffered a catastrophic injury. If you or your child were injured at an indoor park, the Texas personal injury attorneys at Mike Love & Associates, LLC can help you discover whether you could file a lawsuit.

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What Are Common Swimming Pool Dangers?

Our attorneys can answer your questions after a swimming pool accident.There are several types of summer activities we are used to enjoying here in Texas, including taking family trips to swimming pools. However, swimming pools found in private homes, gyms, recreational centers and parks may contain safety hazards. Many of these hazards are created by negligent business practices or defective products. As a result, you and your loved ones are placed in harm’s way. Common swimming pool dangers may include:

  • Inattentive or untrained lifeguards: Some swimming pools contain lifeguards. Texas law actually requires lifeguards at certain swimming pools or during specific types of events. These individuals must remain attentive at all times to respond to emergencies. They should not be texting or engaging in other distracting activities. Lifeguards should also be trained to respond to certain emergencies, such as an accidental drowning. All lifeguards should possess CPR training.
  • Defective equipment: Swimming pool equipment, such as drains or diving boards, can contain dangerous defects. For example, there are multiple instances where defective underwater lights electrocuted swimmers. Defective pool and spa drain covers may create suction powerful enough to drown swimmers. In other cases, diving boards may contain defects that pose a fall risk.
  • Lack of signage: Public pools should contain several types of warning signs. For example, these pools should have signs that warn when lifeguards are not on duty. Other signs should warn parents that children should not use pools without being supervised. Pools should also contain “No Diving” signs. The latter example is especially important to remember, as diving accidents are a preventable cause of spinal cord injuries.
  • Poor maintenance: Both public and private swimming pools require regular maintenance. For example, underwater lights can break down and pose a hazard to swimmers. In rare cases, untreated pool water may also cause catastrophic injuries or wrongful death. Naegleria fowleri (the brain eating amoeba) can be found in untreated swimming pools during warm weather. After this parasite infects the brain, most people die from brain swelling caused by primary amoebic meningitis. Those who do survive may require a lengthy period of rehabilitation.
  • Broken gates: Swimming pools should be surrounded by fences and accessible by opening gates. Pools with broken gates are accessible by young children. In such cases, accidental drownings may occur.

Can I File a Lawsuit After a Swimming Pool Accident?

If you were injured or lost a loved one during a swimming pool accident, an attorney can help in several ways. For example, you may have signed a waiver at the recreational center or gym where the incident occurred. Depending on the circumstances, a business or recreational center can still be held liable for an injury or death even if a waiver was signed. An experienced attorney can look at the circumstances of the accident and the waiver.There are also laws that set safety standards for swimming pool equipment. For example, pool drains must be in compliance with regulations stipulated in the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool & Spa Safety Act. An attorney will be well-versed in these laws and can determine whether they were followed by the property owner.The Texas personal injury attorneys at Mike Love & Associates, LLC are dedicated to making our community a safer place. Our attorneys can help you review potential legal options for recovering damages if you or your child suffered an injury at a swimming pool.

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How Can I Make Sure a Child Car Seat Is Installed Correctly?

Child car seats may cause injuriesMotor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death in the U.S. for children between the ages of 3 and 14 years old. Statistics collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that 663 children 12 years old and younger died in car accidents during 2015. In 2014, 121,350 children suffered injuries during car accidents. However, the CDC also claims that you may improve your child’s safety during a car crash by using safety seats correctly. According to a study cited by the CDC, states with strict child car seat laws have lower rates of children who suffer catastrophic injuries or death during car accidents.The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has published several recommendations that can improve the effectiveness of child car seats. These recommendations may include:

  • Choosing the right seat: There are different types of seats that should be used depending on your child’s age and size. Rear-facing car seats are made for newborns and small babies. On the other hand, forward-facing seats with harnesses are made for children between the ages of 2 and 5 years old. Booster seats should be used by children until they can wear normal seatbelts. NHTSA has published a chart that can help you select the correct car seat.
  • Installing the seat correctly: If you are not already familiar with child safety seats, then it is best to have a professional perform the installation. NHTSA has a web tool that allows you to find and select locations that will install your child’s safety seat. Type in your zip code and it may display several results, such as fire stations and offices operated by the Texas Department of Transportation. You can also use these services to perform an inspection on your child’s car seat. Call beforehand to make sure these locations still offer services.

Can Child Car Seats Cause Injuries?

Your child could still suffer catastrophic injuries or wrongful death even if you select the right car seat and perform the installation correctly. In some cases, your child’s car seat may contain manufacturing or design defects. For example, Graco issued a recall for 25,000 “My Ride 65” car seats sold during the summer of 2014. Recalls for child car seats are not a rare occurrence.You can use NHTSA’s website to check if your child’s car seat is under recall. The best way to do this is to register the car seat with your manufacturer and to sign up for recall notices from NHTSA. This will allow you to receive recall notices from both NHTSA and the seat’s manufacturer.If your child was harmed while using a safety seat, then it is important to discuss legal options with a product liability attorney. Depending on the circumstances, it may be possible to secure damages from the manufacturer or other parties. This could help pay for expenses that include medical bills, rehabilitation expenses, and pain and suffering.The Texas product liability attorneys at Mike Love & Associates, LLC are dedicated to fighting against negligent business practices that harm innocent people. If your child was harmed by a defective car seat, then our attorneys can help determine whether you have legal options for damages.

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