Personal Injury Personal Injury

What Are Possible Long-Term Effects of Concussions?

Concussions may have long-term consequencesABC News recently published a story on a Texas cheerleader who suffered five concussions during her 15 years cheerleading. The story describes some of the cheerleader’s long-term symptoms, such as difficulty finding the right words when speaking, or loss of short-term memory. After discovering she was at risk for suffering more concussions, she took the advice of her doctor and finally quit cheerleading – probably a sound decision. She was already suffering from some of the long-term effects of concussions. Additional concussions could have compounded her problems, possibly even leading to more serious health conditions later in life.Some people who suffer concussions, especially those who suffer more than one, can experience long-term effects like this cheerleader. Depending on the severity, the effects of even one concussion can disrupt a person’s career, education and personal life. Two common long-term health problems associated with concussions are post-concussion syndrome and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).

What is Post-Concussion Syndrome?

Post-concussion syndrome causes several debilitating symptoms, such as dizziness, severe headaches, anxiety attacks, fatigue, depression, inability to concentrate, and insomnia. For people who are working or are in school, these symptoms can make everyday activities extremely difficult. Symptoms can last for days, weeks or months.In fact, a famous actor recently commented on his experience with post-concussion syndrome. Damian Lewis, the former star of Showtime’s Homeland, discussed how he suffered a severe concussion after slamming into a taxicab while on his motorcycle twenty years ago.Lewis was a theatre actor at the time of the accident, and that meant he had to be comfortable performing in front of other people. Three weeks after his motorcycle accident, Lewis returned to performing, only something was wrong. Midway through his performance, he had a severe anxiety attack. Over the course of the next several months, he experienced depression and felt as if he was entering a downward spiral. He reported mental health and migraine symptoms so severe that he was unable to watch television, read or even get dressed. Fortunately, Lewis eventually regained his functionality and gave us several great television shows and movies.Post-concussion syndrome is possible after suffering one concussion. For people who have suffered multiple concussions, the possible long-term health problems are much more severe.

What is CTE or ‘Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy’?

People like the cheerleader in the beginning of the blog could face irreversible long-term health problems. Athletes in her position have a heightened risk of developing chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) later in life. CTE is a degenerative brain disease that may result from suffering multiple concussions over a long career.Symptoms of CTE mimic Alzheimer’s disease. Suffers may have difficulty thinking, dementia, and memory loss. In addition, people with CTE may have impulsive behavior, problems with speech, loss of executive function (the ability to plan or carry out tasks) and difficulties with movement.You may have heard about CTE, as there was a movie called Concussion that was released last year starring Will Smith. There have also been several high-profile lawsuits directed at sports organizations like the NFL and WWE.Concussions are given the name “mild-traumatic brain injuries” by some. After reading this blog and learning of the possible long-term symptoms accident survivors and athletes can face, do you believe concussions should be called mild-traumatic brain injuries?The Texas personal injury attorneys at Mike Love & Associates, LLC, can help individuals who have suffered catastrophic injuries due to the negligence of others.

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Gym Safety 101: How to Get Fit Without Hurting Yourself

Gym injuries are avoidableGoing to the gym for a weight-lifting session, jog or other activity is a great way to stay physically and mentally healthy, but it can also lead to disaster. Defective and non-defective gym equipment can cause serious injuries. Gyms can also leave equipment where people can trip or hire unqualified personal trainers.Every year, people suffer brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, broken bones, fractured arms and legs, and even amputations while working out in gyms. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), 460,000 people are sent to the emergency room every year by exercise equipment.Some exercise equipment injuries are fatal. The former CEO of SurveyMonkey suffered a fatal brain injury after falling off of a treadmill.

How to Avoid Gym Injuries

If you enjoy going to the gym, it’s important to know of ways to avoid becoming injured.Pay attention: It is easier than you think to become distracted at the gym. Watching what other people are doing, checking your phone, changing songs or answering text messages can put you at risk for being injured. You may fail to notice gym equipment that has been left on the floor (this is very common by the way). A person could be working out with a large weight bar right next to you, putting you at risk for being hit.Only use certified personal trainers: Personal trainers should carry several certifications accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies. They should also be CPR and AED certified. You can ask your personal trainer for their certifications before signing the dotted line to attend classes.Be careful on treadmills: Treadmills are dangerous if used incorrectly. Always make sure your shoelaces are tied before running on a treadmill. Never multitask while using a treadmill, such as changing songs on your smart phone or channels on the television.Avoid defective equipment: Gym equipment gets used by numerous people every day. In some cases, gym equipment is in use 24/7. Equipment can degrade over time. This is why it is important to ask your gym how often they repair equipment. If you see broken equipment, report it to staff so others are not hurt.

Can Gyms Be Held Liable for Injuries?

Almost every gym is going to require you to sign a waiver. These waivers use broad language, and affirm that you know and assume the risks. Waivers are not always upheld in court, especially in cases of negligence or recklessness on part of the gym. If you are injured at a gym, it is important to contact an attorney to explore legal options.This is not about ‘getting even’ with the gym, but holding them accountable. A gym that knowingly uses defective equipment, hires untrained staff, or leaves hazards on its property should be held accountable when people are injured.The Texas personal injury attorneys at Mike Love & Associates, LLC can help people who have been harmed by negligent businesses.

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Why Drunk Driving Accidents Are Preventable Tragedies

Drunk driving accidents kill 28 people per dayThe Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 28 people die from drunk driving accidents in the US every day. This means that someone dies from drunk driving every 53 minutes. For those that survive these accidents, their lives can be ruined.It is a proven fact that alcohol can impair the ability to drive. According to the CDC, drivers with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 percent (which is considered legally drunk) experience impaired concentration, short-term memory loss, lack of speed control, reduced information processing capabilities and poor muscle coordination. Drivers with a BAC of .15 percent (about seven alcoholic drinks) can experience a major loss of balance, extremely poor muscle control and vomiting.Your BAC can be affected by several different factors, such as your age, gender, weight, metabolism, rate of consumption and drink of choice. In other words, it is very difficult to know how many drinks it will take before you become legally drunk. This is one of the major reasons why anti-drunk driving campaigns place an importance on a designated driver. Remember, a designated driver should not drink anything and should be selected beforehand. You also have the option of calling a cab. Lufkin has three major cab companies, and some are open 24/7.There are no excuses for drunk driving. Our bodies are physiologically incapable of operating vehicles under the influence of alcohol and other options for transportation exist. The possible consequences of drunk driving are horrific, not just for those injured or killed, but their families as well.

Drunk Driving Accidents Don’t Always Kill People

Aside from the fact that people can lose their lives in drunk driving accidents, others can have their lives ruined if they survive.Former college student Jacqui Saburido’s story has been shared at high schools around the world. In 1999, Jacqui was visiting Austin during a break from college in Venezuela. On the night of September 19th, she and two friends were driving back from a party when they were hit by a drunk driver, who was also leaving a party. Although Jacqui’s two friends died during the crash, she became pinned to her seat. The car caught fire, but she was unable to escape.Medics arrived on the scene and were able to free her from the vehicle, but she was badly burned. Jacqui suffered third-degree burns that covered 60 percent of her body. This young woman had her future taken away because someone made the decision to drive drunk.Survivors can also suffer from brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, broken bones or other disabling injuries. Also consider that drunk drivers can receive more charges than just a DUI. Drunk drivers can be charged with vehicular manslaughter, intoxication manslaughter or vehicular assault. In the case of Jacqui Saburido, the man who crashed into her vehicle spent seven years in prison and paid a $20,000 fine. There is also a significant possibility that survivors or their family members will file civil lawsuits to recover damages. In many ways, both drunk drivers and those they hit have their lives ruined.The Texas personal injury attorneys at Mike Love & Associates, LLC can help the victims of drunk driving accidents and their families hold impaired drivers accountable.

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Does Your Vehicle Have This Deadly Airbag Defect?

Does your vehicle use safe airbags?Did you know that in 2014, more than 62 million vehicles were recalled for defective parts? Despite a massive number of recalls over the last two years, many of us do not receive repairs and continue to drive unsafe vehicles. Estimates from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) suggest 45 million recalled vehicles are still unrepaired. Some of these defects can have horrific consequences for car owners, such as Takata airbag inflators, which are estimated to affect one in every four cars in the US.

Why Are Takata Airbags Dangerous?

Takata’s defective airbag inflators cause airbags to explode with excessive force, sending shrapnel into the faces of drivers. This can happen even during minor collisions. In a recent video posted by, a man who was seriously injured by Takata airbags tells his story. According to the man, he was driving his 2003 Honda Civic at 15 miles per hour when he collided with another vehicle. The airbag inflators deployed and sent shrapnel into his face. He lost an eye.Other people are not as lucky. A 17-year-old from Texas was killed by a defective Takata airbag earlier this year during a collision. She was driving a 2002 Honda Civic in Fort Bend, Texas when the accident occurred.What makes this auto defect dangerous is that Takata airbag inflators become unstable in humid weather. Takata airbag inflators use ammonium nitrate to inflate airbags. Some of these inflators lack drying agents that absorb moisture, meaning humidity can cause the inflators to become unstable and explode with excessive force.

How You Can Find Out if Your Vehicle Uses Takata Airbags

Auto recall notices sent by manufacturers do not always reach consumers. This is because the vast majority of recall notices are sent by mail. Fortunately, NHTSA is seeking to change this and will require auto manufacturers to reach out to consumers via email, social media, text message and by telephone within the next year.Recall information is posted on NHTSA’s website, You will need your vehicle identification number (VIN), which is located where the windshield meets the driver’s side dashboard. It may also be on your insurance card or title for the vehicle.Once you have your VIN, plug it into NHTSA’s website. You should receive search results that display any past and present recalls for your vehicle. If your vehicle has Takata airbags, NHTSA’s website would let you know.Dealerships will repair vehicles with recalled auto parts for free. They are obligated to do so under federal law. The only place you should drive vehicles with defective auto parts is straight to the dealership (unless NHTSA says otherwise). Even minor car accidents can cause these airbags to deploy, especially after being exposed to severe heat and humidity for the last several months.The Texas personal injury attorneys at Mike Love & Associates, LLC can help people and families who have been harmed by defective auto parts.

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Can Parents Prevent Baby Stroller Injuries?

Can strollers and car seats cause brain injuries?Data collected by Nationwide Children’s Hospital claims that strollers are causing an increase in childhood brain injuries. According to researchers, almost 361,000 children aged five and under were involved in stroller accidents that required a trip to the emergency room. In 1990, only one in five of these accidents resulted in traumatic brain injuries. By 2010, 42 percent of children and 53 percent newborns involved in stroller accidents suffered traumatic brain injuries. The majority of accidents were caused by strollers tipping over or children falling out.This is important news because traumatic brain injuries at a young age can have long-term consequences. A study of 1.1 million people in Sweden discovered that childhood traumatic brain injuries were associated with low educational attainment, use of welfare and early death. Children with severe brain injuries had worse outcomes in adulthood. It is therefore extremely important to prevent baby stroller injuries.

6 Tips That Can Help Prevent Baby Stroller Injuries

Parents can prevent baby stroller injuries by staying vigilant and being informed.

  • Be aware of product recalls: Like most consumer products, baby strollers can be recalled. In some cases, there are structural defects that make strollers unsafe to use. For example, Dorel Juvenile recalled its Safety 1st strollers due to a fall hazard. The folding mechanism on the stroller can disengage on one side when paired with an infant car seat. Once parents become aware of recalled strollers, there are several options. They can contact the manufacturer for a free repair kit or simply stop using the stroller. We recently wrote a blog on how you can find information on product recalls.
  • Buy the right kind of stroller: Strollers have specific weight and age guidelines. Certain strollers are made for specific age and weight groups. Deviating from these guidelines can cause injuries. For example, newborns should be placed in strollers that can recline, since they are unable to sit up on their own.
  • Be careful when folding: Stroller hinges are hazardous to young children. Fingers can become caught in the hinges if children are placed in strollers before they are locked open. Some strollers may have extremely dangerous hinges. In 2014, Graco recalled its strollers because the hinges posed an amputation and laceration hazard.
  • Make sure children are buckled up: Make sure your children are safely strapped in before going for a stroller ride. Children who are not fastened in can fall out and suffer injuries. Even slight bumps or stops can be hazardous when safety harnesses are not used.
  • Use your brakes: Engage the brakes every time you come to a stop. Failure to do so can cause the stroller to roll away. Also make sure that your children cannot reach the brake levers.
  • Be careful with bags: Some strollers can tip over when bags or other items are placed on the handles. Ways to prevent this include simply not placing bags on the handles, or to buy strollers with a wider base.

If product defects are to blame for a stroller accident, parents should be aware that they may have legal options to hold the manufacturer accountable. The Texas personal injury attorneys at Mike Love & Associates, LLC will hold stroller manufacturers accountable when their products cause injuries.

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