How Automation is Changing Car Safety

New disc brake and wheel hub..As technology becomes more prevalent in our vehicle functions, new questions regarding auto safety arise. How can we trust computers to regulate our vehicles? Is having less human control over driving safe? We do not have definite answers to these questions yet. However, human designed vehicles always have the potential to be unsafe, regardless of what technology is integrated into the vehicle.

New Technologies That Are Changing Car Safety

  • Autonomous vehicles: Much press has been made about self-driving cars, which have become a hot topic of debate due to safety concerns. However, this technology is new, and safety features are likely to improve. The vast majority of car accidents, including ones with self-driving cars, are caused by human errors. Speeding, driving while intoxicated, and distracted driving account for most fatal car accidents. Many vehicles are equipped with self-steering features and electronic stability control, which senses loss of traction on the road and attempts to correct the issue. A study completed by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, concluded that newer vehicles that have more autonomous electronic safety features decrease the risk of dying in a crash by almost one-third.
  • Driver assistance: These features are becoming more popular, offering parking with rear-view camera assistance, different driving modes for weather and road conditions, blind-spot monitoring devices, and collision control systems. When the car senses that a threat of a collision is eminent, brake-systems work to stop the vehicle automatically on behalf of the driver to avoid an accident in some cases.
  • Multiple vehicle automation: The U.S. Department of Transportation has discussed a rule that would require manufacturers to include “vehicle-to-vehicle” automation, allowing vehicles to “talk” to each other, making it easier to avoid accidents. The complexity of the legal framework in the U.S. makes these rules hard to achieve.

New Liability Issues Arise

These new technologies bring more liability upon the manufacturers of these new ideas. Car manufacturers can be responsible for defective parts and vehicle malfunctions, and laws regulating liability for defective software components that lead to accidents will follow suit.These new innovative technologies receive a lot of backlash from those who think that computers should not be making driving decisions on our behalf. However, evidence shows that preventable human errors on the road are responsible for almost all accidents.If you or someone you know was in an auto accident due to the negligence of an auto manufacturer, or another driver, contacting a Lufkin auto accident attorney can help you get the coverage you deserve. In many cases, an attorney can get more coverage than an insurance company is willing to offer.

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What Happens After You’re Hit by an Intoxicated Driver?

How can you avoid an accident?New information has surfaced about the driver who allegedly caused the large bus crash involving the death of 12 people in Uvalde county, TX. The driver allegedly was on prescription drugs and stated that he was texting during the accident after he was caught on video swerving over the edge line more than 37 times. People are hit by intoxicated drivers on a regular basis, and there are some steps you can take to see if you were hit by an intoxicated driver in an auto accident.

How Do You Know if A Driver Is Intoxicated?

  • Look for signs prior to the accident: Swerving on the road or stopping slowly at a stoplight can be signs that a driver is intoxicated. While communicating with a driver after an accident, listen for slurred speech and look at the driver to see if they have a vacant or dull look in their face. Are they having trouble communicating with you?
  • Contact the police: This is a good idea in any kind of accident. A police officer will be better able to tell if someone is intoxicated, and having a police report of your accident can make your case stronger.

How Do You Know If You’re Getting Enough Coverage for Your Accident?

When filing a claim in civil court against a drunk driver, several factors will be taken into consideration. How bad your vehicle was damaged, how severe the injuries sustained were, and how negligent and intoxicated the driver was will be considered.

  • Uninsured Drivers: In the event that the intoxicated driver that hits you does not have insurance, your insurance company may have to cover the damages you received with Uninsured/Underinsured motorist coverage. If you do not have Uninsured/Underinsured motorist coverage, you can consult the help of a car accident attorney to explore other options.
  • Dram shop claims: If the circumstances are right, you can attempt to make a claim against the bar or restaurant that sold the alcohol to the drunk driver.

Watch Out for Insurance Companies

The other driver’s insurance company may call you and offer you a settlement quickly after the accident. Insurance companies are trying to offer you as little as possible and quickly, so future damages may not be considered.  Contacting a Lufkin drunk driving accident attorney can help you make the right decisions following an accident involving a drunk driver.

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Are Chemical Companies Poisoning Our Environment?

chemicals in fast food wrappersA few years ago, Denmark faced the difficult task of replacing popcorn bags that use grease resistant fluorinated chemicals called PFOA’s. These chemicals have been found to accumulate in human organs if ingested. Chemical manufacturing companies can be at fault, such as Dupont in West Virginia, where over 3,000 people filed personal injury lawsuits after local water sources were tainted with PFOA’s from a chemical spill. Dupont had to pay over $670 million for damages while producing Teflon, the substance used to coat pots and pans. These chemicals have been linked to multiple cancers, thyroid disease, and high cholesterol after ingesting. Facing backlash, companies have started using alternatives that are often derivatives of the same chemicals. These can still be dangerous for human health. Keep reading below for how to keep yourself safe from contaminants in your area.

How To Protect Yourself From Local Chemical Manufacturers

  • Know your environment: Knowing major chemical manufacturing companies, the products they produce, and keeping up with local product safety and environmental news can help you know if something hazardous is in your area.
  • Chemical manufacturers misstate facts: Representatives for chemical companies have stated that the alternative “shorter bonded” versions of the PFOA’s are not harmful, and use them instead. However, studies exist on these newer versions of the chemicals that say otherwise. They cannot break down in nature, so they are found pretty much everywhere that is exposed to them.

If you live near a plant that produces products such as fast-food wrappers, Teflon, or other known dangerous substances, monitor your health. If you think your health may have been damaged by a local manufacturer, let us know your story.

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5 Must-Have Activities on Your Spring Cleaning Checklist

Spring cleaning is a perfect time to check household appliancesThere are multiple aspects of your home that should be checked each year during spring cleaning. For example, fire extinguishers, carbon monoxide detectors, and smoke detectors should be checked and sometimes replaced. Failing to inspect or replace these items can be a disaster waiting to happen, so it is vital to include this activity on your spring cleaning checklist. It is also important to check some of these items for product recalls. The following tips can help you get an idea of what you should be looking for and when you may need to replace common household items.

  1. Check your smoke detectors: The U.S. Fire Administration recommends testing your smoke detectors once per month and changing the batteries twice per year. There are different types of smoke detectors, so always check your manufacturer’s instructions before making any repairs.
  2. Inspect carbon monoxide detectors: If your home uses fuel-burning appliances, it should be outfitted with several carbon monoxide detectors. Carbon monoxide is an invisible and odorless gas that can kill you within minutes. The National Fire Protection Association recommends installing detectors on each floor of your home and within 15 feet of fuel-burning appliances to reduce the chances of false alarms. You should ensure these alarms are clear of dust and debris. Replace batteries or ensure the detectors are plugged into wall sockets.
  3. Inspect fire extinguishers: Depending on the size of your home, you may need more than one fire extinguisher. However, fire extinguishers can expire or break down from wear and tear. They must be checked regularly to ensure they are not past the expiration date. Inspect the pressure gauges and look for rips and tears in the hose and nozzle. The needle on the pressure gauge should be in the green area.
  4. Replace first aid kit items: Every home needs a first aid kit. Unfortunately, items in this kit can expire and need to be periodically replaced. You should also check for items that may be missing from the first aid kit. Any excess or expired medications should be tossed.
  5. Switch out dirty air filters: Check and replace your air filters while doing your spring cleaning. Dirty air filters can become clogged with allergens and other particles that may be harmful to your health. It can also lower the spike in blood pressure you may experience after seeing your first electricity bill during the summer months.

Should You Check These Household Items for Product Recalls?

Always be on the lookout for recalls on some of these products. For example, manufacturing defects can render smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors useless. Last year, Kidde recalled its combination smoke/carbon monoxide alarms over a defect that kept the device from working. Check the manufacturer name and model, then plug it into the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) website.

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The Top 5 Most Costly Auto Insurance Policy Mistakes

Do you know what's in your auto insurance policy?It is easy to make mistakes while setting up your auto insurance policy. Insurance agents may try to steer you away from plans that provide the best coverage to lower your premium and win your business from competitors. Contracts also contain language and terms that you may find confusing. As a result, you may be unaware of exactly how you will be covered in the event you need to use your insurance after an accident. The following five examples are mistakes people make on their policies.

  1. Not including PIP: Although personal injury protection (PIP) is mandatory in Texas, you can sign a waiver to opt out. An insurance agent may entice you with lower monthly payments at the expense of signing away PIP coverage. PIP covers lost income, funeral, and medical expenses after an accident.
  2. Neglecting UM/UIM coverage: You should always make sure you have UM/UIM coverage. It covers physical or property damage in the event you are hit by an uninsured or underinsured motorist. This coverage can pay for medical bills, lost wages, and disfigurement, partial or permanent disability. If you lack UM/UIM coverage, you can only receive the maximum amount covered by the at-fault driver’s policy (if they have one).
  3. Not knowing who is covered: Make sure you know who is covered on your policy beforehand. If you allow other family members to use your vehicle, make sure they are listed as permissive drivers on your policy. This way if they get into an auto accident, they are covered.
  4. Buying the minimum required amount: Your auto insurance policy is the one thing you do not want to be frugal with, as it can come back to haunt you later. Texas law requires a $30,000 minimum liability limit. As personal injury attorneys, we can tell you from experience that this is nowhere near enough to pay for the medical bills and lost income associated with a catastrophic injury.
  5. Not researching your policy: Although you can research your policy beforehand, it may help to have an expert walk you through the details. Insurance contracts use confusing language on purpose. Know what you are getting into before signing a contract for your policy.

Mike Love & Associates, LLC Can Review Your Auto Insurance Policy

Insurance agents do not have your best interests in mind. They are in the business of making their company money, not ensuring you have what you need after an accident. Mike Love & Associates, LLC will review your policy at no cost. We can help you figure out if you have adequate coverage. It is better to know how you are covered before you need to use insurance.

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