Where Do Most Slip and Fall Accidents Occur?

Slip and fall accidents are the most common causes of premises liability lawsuits. However, just because these incidents are common does not mean that they are not devastating for victims. Any person who sustains a slip and fall injury must receive adequate medical care so they can make a full recovery period.Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for slip and fall accident victims to experience pain and suffering as well as long-lasting injuries that contribute to high medical bills. Here, we want to examine some of the most common causes of slip and fall accidents in and around our area.

Wet Surfaces

Wet surfaces are the most common cause of slip and fall accidents throughout Texas. Wet floors can occur in a variety of locations, ranging from grocery stores and restaurants to banks, office buildings and public spaces. Wet floors can occur in a variety of ways, including the following:

  • Spilled food or drink
  • Leaky roofs or appliances
  • Recently waxed or mopped floors
  • Wet entranceways caused by rain

Property owners and their employees have a duty to regularly inspect floors for moisture. If they are not immediately able to clean up a wet floor, they should cordon off the area and mark the wet area with proper signage. Additionally, property owners and employees should always use “wet floor” signs after they have finished cleaning an area and leave the signs in place until the floor is dry. It should never be assumed that guests on a property will see the floor is wet and avoid the area. Individuals prone to slip and fall injuries can help minimize slip and fall injuries by wearing proper fitting shoes when leaving the home.Nacogdoches Slip and Fall Lawyers

Uneven or Undermaintained Surfaces

Uneven walking surfaces are incredibly dangerous for pedestrians. Uneven walking areas can occur in a variety of ways, ranging from uneven pavement to obstacles in walkways. Some of the most common causes of uneven surfaces include the following:

  • Loose floorboards
  • Cluttered floors
  • Improperly paved surfaces
  • Potholes in a parking lot
  • Defective sidewalks
  • Torn carpeting
  • Poorly constructed stairways
  • Loose floor mats or carpet

Again, it is up to the property owner to ensure that all walkways are even and clear of obstacles and other hazards. Regular inspection and maintenance of a property is a crucial part of ensuring patron safety.

Swimming Pools

Swimming pool and hot tub areas are one of the leading causes of slip and fall cases. While it may seem obvious that there will be wet surfaces around a swimming pool or hot tub, the reality is that most of these types of slip and fall accidents are preventable. For instance, property owners should not allow defects in the surfaces surrounding the pool that allow water to accumulate in a puddle. Additionally, pool area walkways should be free and clear from hazards and obstacles that could cause slip or trip and fall injuries from a potentially dangerous surface.

Unmarked/ Improperly Marked Dangerous Conditions

Property owners should always conduct inspections and maintenance of their premises to ensure the safety of their guests and workers. However, that does not mean that there will never be a dangerous condition. When a property owner does discover that there may be a condition that can cause a slip and fall accident and injuries, they must take steps to fix the hazard. If they are unable to remedy the situation immediately, they need to take steps to cordon off the area and erect adequate warning signs so that nobody will accidentally cross into the dangerous location to suffer a personal injury.


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