What Should I Do If I Have Been in an Accident With a Hit-and-Run Driver?

Any car accident can be an incredibly scary and confusing experience, and this is most certainly the case when a hit-and-run accident occurs. Unfortunately, hit-and-run accidents are fairly common in the United States and across Texas. According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, there were more than 737,000 hit-and-run collisions in the United States during the latest reporting year. Fleeing the scene of a car accident in Texas is illegal. If you or a loved one have been involved in an accident with a hit-and-run driver, there are several steps you can take to ensure your own well-being and help secure the compensation you deserve.

Steps to take after a hit-and-run accident

Take these steps if someone hits your vehicle and flees the scene:

  1. Get to safety and call the police. It can be tempting to want to chase after a person that flees the scene of an accident. Do not do this. Pull your car to a safe location if you can, and call the police. Give the dispatcher any details about the vehicle and driver that fled, such as the vehicle make and model, license plate number (even if you only remember part of it), what the driver looked like, the direction they drove, etc.
  2. Determine whether there are any witnesses. If there is anybody standing around or if any other vehicles stopped, ask to see if anybody witnessed the crash. Get the name and contact information of any eyewitnesses.
  3. Take photographs of the scene. If you have a camera (most smartphones do) and it is safe to do so, take photographs of the accident scene. This includes any vehicles involved, damages, any injuries, traffic conditions, weather conditions, and any debris scattered around the accident scene.
  4. Call an experienced attorney. Most experienced car accident attorneys offer free initial consultations for your case. It does not hurt to speak with an attorney to determine whether or not they will be able to help you secure maximum compensation.
  5. Report the incident to your insurance carrier. Insurance carriers require that you report any accident fairly soon after it occurs. When you make your initial report, all you have to do is let the insurance carrier know that an accident occurred and give them the information of the other driver’s insurance carrier. Avoid taking any fault for the incident and do not go into detail about your injuries during this initial report.

Will insurance cover the expenses for a hit-and-run accident?

One of the main concerns of those involved in a hit-and-run accident is securing compensation for their medical bills and property damage. This can be complicated, especially if the hit-and-run driver is not caught by the police or if they do not have insurance. You should check your policy to ensure that you have uninsured motorist bodily injury coverage and uninsured motorist property damage coverage. However, neither type of uninsured motorist coverage is required for drivers in Texas. If you do have uninsured motorist coverage, your medical bills and property damage will be covered up to your policy limits.It is vital that you speak to a qualified East Texas car accident attorney who can help you sort through all routes available for you to pursue compensation.


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