Truck Accident Causes Part 2: Why Do Jackknifing Accidents Happen?

Can negligence cause jackknifing accidents?Jackknifing accidents occur when truck trailers bend in a way resembling a pocketknife. This is due to the trailer of a truck skidding and pushing itself into the vehicle. These types of truck crashes cause drivers to lose control of their vehicles. They can rollover and hit other vehicles. Motorists may be forced underneath tractor trailers in what is known as an underride accident. The various outcomes caused by jackknifing crashes are always tragic.What do these crashes look like? A recent accident near San Antonio involved a truck that lost control after jackknifing. According to the San Antonio Fire Department, the semi-truck collided into several other vehicles and crossed the median. Six people were injured, one of whom was airlifted to a nearby hospital.Jackknifing can happen for several reasons. However, there are many cases where these crashes are preventable.

  • Bad weather: Slick road conditions caused by rain and icing significantly raise the risk of a jackknifing accident. The back tires on a semi-truck may lose traction with the road, causing the trailer to swing to the side.
  • Neglecting maintenance: A common theme on our blog is that many truck crashes are caused by poor maintenance practices. The same is true of jackknifing crashes. Commercial carriers should replace worn truck tires and brakes. It is also important to maintain and replace suspension components and other mechanical parts responsible for steering.
  • Unsecured or badly distributed loads: Cargo loaded into trailers can shift if it is not properly secured or poorly distributed. Shifting cargo may move the truck’s center of gravity, which can lead to jackknifing or a rollover accident.
  • Careless driving: Semi-trucks are more difficult to handle than normal passenger vehicles. There is less room for error. Truckers should avoid speeding, especially while turning. Suddenly hitting the brakes may cause jackknifing. This is almost always the case when truckers hit the brakes and swerve at the same time. Truckers should remain attentive to traffic conditions to avoid this scenario.

How Can You Avoid Jackknifing Accidents?

We cannot stress enough how important it is to steer clear of semi-trucks when you are able. Be extra cautious around semi-trucks during poor weather or while slippery road conditions are present. Semi-trucks are more likely to jackknife while making downhill turns.Unfortunately, there is no way for you to know which trucking companies regularly perform maintenance or which ones hire safe drivers. Motorists injured in jackknifing crashes or their family members may have grounds to file lawsuits. An experienced truck accident attorney can help preserve evidence that may be crucial to your case, and can deal with insurance companies on your behalf.The Texas truck accident attorneys at Mike Love & Associates, LLC will provide the personalized attention your case deserves.


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