What’s the Secret to Avoiding Truck Accidents?

How do you avoid truck accidents?Truck accidents kill and injure thousands of Americans on U.S. interstates and highways every year. As you may have learned from our blog last week, these accidents may cause catastrophic injuries. Survivors may suffer brain injuries, paralysis from spinal cord injuries and disfigurement. Many people involved in these accidents lose their lives. It is crucial for motorists to be extra cautious while driving in close proximity to these large vehicles. There is no secret to avoiding truck accidents, but there are many tips you can utilize that will reduce your chances.

  • Avoid blind spots at all costs: Semi-trucks have several blind spots that make it difficult for truckers to see motorists. These spots are located next to the driver’s side and passenger side doors on trucks. Blind spots are also located directly behind and in front of these vehicles.
  • Give trucks space: Never follow too closely behind semi-trucks. It is impossible to see obstacles in the road in front of these vehicles. If a truck comes to abrupt stop and you following too closely behind, you are at high risk of being involved in an underride accident. These accidents occur when passenger vehicles are forced underneath semi-truck trailers. Following too closely in front of trucks is also dangerous, as these vehicles need more than 525 feet to come to a complete stop.
  • Use extra caution when passing: Pass trucks as quickly and safely as possible. Always use your turn signals beforehand to let the truck’s driver know what you are doing. Avoid abrupt lane changes or movements that could startle the driver.
  • Be cautious of weather: Certain weather conditions make truck accidents more likely. For example, heavy rain, snow and windy weather can make driving near semi-trucks more dangerous. Be prepared for semi-trucks to stop at any moment during adverse weather conditions.
  • Pay attention to what the truck is doing: Always remain extra attentive when driving around semi-trucks. Pay close attention to turn signals and brake lights.
  • Keep a close eye on other drivers: Other people may drive unsafely around trucks, which may cause an accident. Pay closer attention when you see nearby vehicles attempting to pass trucks. Keep in mind that accidents are more likely to occur during this time.
  • Pull over as far as possible: Always leave other vehicles and trucks enough space when you are pulling over on the side of the road. Truck drivers who are not paying attention may be at higher risk of colliding with vehicles that have pulled over.

Even if You Are Extra Careful, Truck Accidents are Still Possible

In many cases, people drive safely and are still involved in truck accidents. That is because commercial carriers and drivers may be negligent or reckless. Commercial drivers may be intoxicated, fatigued, or they can forget to perform maintenance. Trucking companies may hire unqualified drivers who put everyone else at risk. The sad truth is: even if you follow this guide perfectly, it does not guarantee you can avoid a truck accident.The Texas truck accident attorneys at Mike Love & Associates, LLC are dedicated to advocating for the rights of truck crash survivors and their family members.


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