Why Does Angelina County’s Most Dangerous Intersection Continue Causing Accidents?

Lufkin's most dangerous intersection warrants extreme caution!Angelina County’s most dangerous intersection recently caused another serious car accident, this time involving a 22-year-old woman and a 2-year-old child. The intersection at U.S. Highway 69 and FM 326 is well known in our county for causing accidents. Nearby residents interviewed by KTRE claim they frequently see serious wrecks occur. One of the residents claimed they had seen four car accidents occur at the intersection in the last month-and-a-half.Why is the intersection a major cause of accidents? Motorists turning onto Highway 69 from FM 326 cannot see oncoming traffic coming from over a hill to the left. Some vehicles travelling on Highway 69 may be speeding, which makes this intersection even more dangerous.Fortunately, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is taking complaints about the intersection seriously. TxDOT will be conducting a signal analysis study at the intersection this week. Data collected from the study will determine whether further action should be taken. If necessary, TxDOT could make Highway 69 and FM 326 a signalized intersection by installing traffic lights.

How Can You Avoid Accidents at Angelina County’s Most Dangerous Intersection?

The best way to avoid an accident at Highway 69 and FM 326 is to not use the intersection by finding alternative routes. People turning right or left can take Pee Wee Smith Rd to Highway 69, as there is no hill obstructing oncoming traffic. Visibility is much better for traffic coming from either direction.Alternative routes may not be an option for everyone. Until TxDOT makes its decision, there are other ways you can reduce the chances of being involved in an accident at Lufkin’s most dangerous intersection.

  • Turn off music: Highway 69 and FM 326 is a blind intersection, so it is important to rely on your other senses to detect approaching traffic. You may have an easier time hearing other vehicles approaching if you turn off the radio or stereo.
  • Inspect the intersection carefully: Look both ways, but do so quickly. It does not take long for traffic coming up over the hill to reach the intersection.
  • Avoid this intersection at night: It is already very difficult to see traffic approaching from the left. This is even more the case at night on a poorly lit highway. If you are going to turn onto Highway 69 at night, it may be best to use one of those alternative routes.
  • Avoid any distractions: Distractions like eating, texting or grooming can be fatal at this intersection. Highway 69 and FM 326 requires your full attention.

It could take a while for TxDOT to fix this dangerous intersection. In the meantime, we need stay vigilant or find alternate routes.The Texas personal injury attorneys at Mike Love & Associates, LLC, encourage you to drive safely.


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