How Parents Can Help Their Children Avoid Distracted Driving

Texting can cause accidentsThe AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety considers Memorial Day to be the start of the ‘100 deadliest days of driving’ for teenagers. According to the foundation, 60 percent of car accidents among teenagers are caused by distracted driving. Although some of these accidents are caused by other types of distracted driving, such as eating or talking to other passengers, many involve mobile phone use.If you are a parent, there are ways that you can prevent your children from using mobile phones while driving. New technologies can disable mobile phone features while vehicles are in motion. Ironically, even apps can be used to prevent your children from using smart phones while driving. Also consider that your children will learn by example and may adopt your driving habits. It is important for parents to set an example and explain why certain driving habits are dangerous.

Technologies and Apps that May Prevent Distracted Driving

The following technologies and apps can disable phones, filter calls, block text messages and disable other mobile phone programs.Cellcontrol: Cellcontrol uses a Bluetooth device (also called DriveID), an app and an online account to disable phone use while vehicles are in motion. The DriveID device attaches to the windshield and works with the mobile phones of people driving. Parents can use their online accounts to adjust settings for the DriveID device, which will set restrictions for nearby mobile phones. For example, parents could disable apps, calls and texting by adjusting settings for the DriveID device (exemptions can be made for emergency calls). DriveID also uses GPS, so it knows when cars start moving.Lifesaver: Lifesaver is a smart phone app that awards drivers for safe driving habits. The app uses GPS and other features to record phone usage while driving. When users abstain from distracted driving, they can collect points for certain rewards. Parents can set ‘point benchmarks’ that provide specific awards and give an incentive to drive safely.Anti-distracted driving features on new vehicles: Automakers are developing, or have developed, built-in features that disable mobile phone use. For example, Ford’s MyKey feature automatically blocks non-emergency calls and text messages.Technologies and apps might help prevent distracted driving, but parents may have to play a more direct role in ensuring their children are driving safely. As we stated earlier, children learn driving habits from their parents. Sitting down with your children and having a serious discussion about safe driving might stop bad habits from developing in the first place.The Texas personal injury attorneys at Mike Love & Associates, LLC wish everyone a great summer. Please remember to drive safely.


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