Texas Watch Speaks Out Against HB 274

Texas Watch Testifies Against "Loser Pays" in Senate State AffairsYesterday, Texas Watch Director of Legislative Affairs Ware Wendell gave impassioned testimony to the Senate State Affairs Committee against HB 274.  He talked about the devastating impact this bill would have on Texans of all walks of life – children, first responders, small business owners, and many more.  He told the committee that this bill gives immunity to polluters, insurance companies, and other corporate wrongdoers by threatening families and businesses with having to pay the bloated legal costs of corporate defendants even if they win in court.  Watch Ware’s testimony. Building Coalitions to Fight "Loser Pays"Texas Watch organized a coalition of more than a dozen advocacy groups representing varied interests and constituencies, from Mothers Against Drunk Driving to the Coalition of Texans with Disabilities, to oppose HB 274, the so-called “loser pays” bill.  In a memo to the Senate State Affairs committee, the coalition wrote that “HB 274 has broad implications that devastate the legal rights of Texans of all walks of life.”  The coalition closes its memo by arguing that “Texans who have been harmed should not have to choose between their financial security and justice.”Take Action - Tell the Senate to Turn Back "Loser Pays"Take action today using our online Action Center to contact your Senator.  Do your part.  Let them know the dangers this legislation poses for Texas families and small businesses.  The special interest and corporate lobbyists call this “loser pays,” but really it is “families pay” because only individuals and small business owners – not corporate defendants – would be forced to pay. What’s worse is that you could see your life savings wiped out not only if you lose a valid lawsuit, but even if you just don’t win big enough. In other words, you can win… and still lose.  After you take action, be sure to tell your friends and family to do the same.Texas Watch Needs Your Help, Today!Click here https://texaswatch.ngpvanhost.com/ngpform/friends-fight-fundraising-campaign to make a contribution to help Texas Watch keep up the fight against lobby-driven proposals like “loser pays” that strip Texas families and small business owners of their constitutional rights and liberties.


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